The car passed the dangerous section of the bridge successfully. 汽车顺利地通过了大桥的那段危险部分。
They were killed on a notoriously dangerous section of the motorway. 他们在高速公路的事故常发地段遇难。
Engineering Geological Problems and Prevention Measures of the Hankou Bank of Longwangmiao Dangerous Section in Wuhan 武汉市龙王庙险段汉口岸堤防工程地质问题及防治措施
The stress and the shift value of dangerous section of projectile band are also calculated via the calculation of different structures and different case. 通过对不同结构和不同工况的计算,给出了弹带危险区域的应力值和位移值。
Strategies for Safty Facilities Design at Dangerous Section in Mountain Area 山区高速公路危险路段安全设施设计对策
Traffic Safety Characters of Dangerous Section of Two-lane Highway and Improving Measures 双车道公路危险路段安全性分析及改善措施
The author calculates the shaft's loading of all sections incorporating the working conditions and gets the conclusion that the theoretical dangerous section is the actual breaking section so that it is proved that the theoretical analysis is correct. 结合破碎机的工作状态,计算了主轴各断面的受力情况,得出理论危险断面与实际断裂面相吻合的结论,从理论上证明了断轴原因分析的正确性。
The result shows that the dangerous section of the U-shaped frame is at the front end. All these provide a basis for the improvement of U-shaped bar of dozer. 结果表明U形架危险截面在其前端,为推土机U形架结构的改进提供了依据。
So that the strength calculation equation of head is established on the basis of the head top section as the dangerous section, and the result is safe for transition section. 因此,封头的强度计算公式是以顶部为危险区而建立的,其结果对过渡区是安全的。
The reliable change rules of stress and strain field of most dangerous section in engineering are presented. The results offer the theoretical basis and data for investigating fatigue fracture of tubular joints. 可靠地给出了工程中最危险截面应力应变场的各种变化规律,为研究油管的疲劳断裂问题提供了重要的理论分析依据和数据。
The plastic deformation mainly converges on the small range around the mid-span dangerous section. 材料的塑性变形主要集中于跨中危险截面的小范围之内。
This paper provides one drawing according to the size and direction of the external force axle of component, and then calculates the strength of the axle, and gives methods to confirm dangerous section according to the axle. 给出了一种根据外力的大小和方向快速绘制构件的轴力图,进而依据轴力图计算轴力、确定危险断面的方法。
This method is propitious to discover dangerous section of the road, and advice the relevant department to build and repair it in time. 此方法有利于预先发现较为危险路段并及时进行整改,可为相关部门提供使道路交通安全改造投入达到效益最大化的建议。
Monitor and Analysis of Underwater Terrain in Longwangmiao Dangerous Section in Wuhan City 武汉市龙王庙险段水下地形监测及分析
Method of Hypothetical Dangerous Section Area for Bolts Design 螺栓设计的假想危险截面面积法
Based on stress analysis design method, the strength check is conducted on the dangerous section such as the connecting areas of manholes/ spherical shell and brace/ spherical shell. 采用应力分析设计方法,对人孔接管与球壳、支柱与球壳等连接位置的截面进行了强度校核。
Double 0. 618 method was used to search the most dangerous section and the worst load position. The absolute maximum deflection was got by calculating the corresponding deflection. 利用双层0.618法搜索梁的绝对最大挠度对应的最危险截面位置以及移动荷载最不利位置,计算该位置相应的挠度得到梁的绝对最大挠度。
Then it makes the static analysis of the flexible drive component torsion bars by ANSYS, and analyzes the dynamic performance through the energy transformation. Finally, through analysis on the most dangerous section position of the torsion bar. 之后借助于ANSYS对柔性传动构件扭力杆做了静态分析,并通过能量变换分析了其动态性能,最后通过分析得到扭力杆上的最危险截面位置。
Furthermore, On the base determining dangerous section of rupture, relationship between rupture limit load of conical parts and rupture limit load of cylindrical parts is presented by means of theoretical analysis and regressing test data. 而且,在确定了破裂危险断面的基础上,通过理论分析和实验数据回归,给出了圆锥形件成形的破裂极限载荷与圆筒形件拉深的破裂极限载荷之间的关系。
On the basis above, we return the geometric model and do an amendment for its dangerous section to improve the carrying capacity of the whole planet frame. 在此基础,返回几何模型建立界面,直接对其危险截面进行修正,提高了整个行星架的承载能力。
Under the action of vertical load, longitudinal bending moment and torque, the stresses value and fatigue safety factors for dangerous section on the axle were calculated. 在垂向、纵向弯矩和扭矩的合成力矩作用下,计算车轴上各危险截面上的应力值和疲劳安全裕度。
This section directly determines the pipe pile is in normal working condition and also is the dangerous section of pipe piles in seismic design. Here strengthened reinforced or made earthquake-proof measures and strengthened reinforced must be taken measure in this area. 该截面直接决定了管桩是否处于正常工作状态,此处管桩在抗震设计时的危险截面,在此处应该加强配筋或作出相应的抗震设防措施。
Has been the subject of the country based on the dangerous section of mountain road accidents were optimize the content of signs. 在已有国标的基础上,根据山区公路危险路段的事故隐患进行了标志内容的优化。
With point safety factor method commonly used in slope stability analysis, and with the sliding surface referred as the most dangerous section in the thesis, it analyzes the stability of the core soil under the two construction conditions& long and short steps. 运用边坡稳定性分析中常用的点安全系数法,以文中所指的滑面为最危险截面,分析了两种工况下核心土的稳定性。
In order to prevent the drill string damage on the dangerous section, the section stress analysis has be done to achieve the checking method to the string strength with the fourth strength theory. 为了防止钻柱在危险截面处发生破坏,对钻柱截面进行了应力分析,根据第四强度理论,得到了钻柱强度的校核方法。
Based on strict and precise mathematical models, flow field and dynamic characteristics of pure water big flow three-way valve are studied, dangerous section of key parts are analyzed, whose safety coefficients are all above 2. 通过建立严密而精确的数学模型,研究了纯水大流量三用阀的流场和动态特性,分析了纯水大流量三用阀的关键零部件容易出现的危险截面,其安全系数均在2以上。
The stress distribution in the area of telescopic boom contacting with the slide block is very complex, and it is easy to produce stress concentration, the dangerous section of the telescopic boom generally also appears in the area overlapping with the slide block. 伸缩臂与滑块的接触区受力情况比较复杂,且容易产生应力集中,臂架的危险截面一般也出现在滑块搭接部位。
And dangerous section be checked to ensure that the strength of the machine. 并对危险截面进行校核,确保机床的强度。